Le célèbre Directeur de Grand Prix Automobile Mark Gallagher

MARK GALLAGHER has held senior roles in the high performance environment of Formula 1 motor racing for over 30 years, and today is an author, broadcaster and industry analyst who continues to work with drivers and teams at the forefront of this global sport. 

Mark’s management career in Formula 1 included more than a decade on the management board of the highly successful Jordan Grand Prix team, running the world famous Cosworth engine business and helping establish the commercial arm of Red Bull Racing which went on to become 4-times World Champions. 

During his career MARK GALLAGHER has been a member of the technical working groups within the sport’s governing body, the FIA, tasked with tackling challenges including environmental sustainability and safety, the latter being central to the sport’s regulatory environment.  He spent two years working on the energy efficiency regulations adopted by Formula 1 in 2014.

His expertise covers the commercial and operational management of Formula 1 teams, and includes the sport’s regulatory, business and technology landscape.  Since 1994 he has introduced some of the world’s leading technology companies to the sport, playing a key role in the digital transformation of Formula 1.

MARK GALLAGHER’s career in Formula One commenced in 1983, working in media and communications before joining the start-up Jordan Grand Prix team in 1990.  Mark  joined the management board of Jordan in 1998, the team challenging for the World Championship  in 1999. 

In 2004 he was invited to join the Jaguar Racing organisation as it transitioned into becoming Red Bull Racing, and during this time Mark reconnected with David Coulthard who became the team’s lead driver and remains a close business associate today. 

MARK GALLAGHER later founded the Status Grand Prix race team which won the World Cup of Motorsport in 2009 and competed in events including the renowned Le Mans 24 hrs.  In 2010 Mark was appointed head of the world-famous Cosworth Formula 1 engine company, supplying one-third of the teams in Formula 1 with engines and associated technologies. 

Since 2012 Mark has focused on his Formula 1 consulting business, Performance Insights, working with a range of clients across the sport.  He has written two books, The Business of Winning (Kogan Page,  2014) and Grand Prix - The Last 25 Years (WH Smith, 1999), and collaborated with Coulthard on his Sunday Times Best Seller The Winning Formula (Blink Publishing, 2018).  Between 2005 and 2010 Mark was a consultant to Pixar on its CARS  and CARS 2 movies.

With a relaxed, anecdotal and humorous style, Mark gives businesses and organisations a rare insight into what it takes to build winning teams and compete for success at world level.

Topics :  most popular topics are (1) Leadership & Team Work (2)  Digital Transformation (3) Safety & Risk Management and (4) Disruption & Change Management.  
     High Performance Teamwork, Change Management,
     Innovation, Leadership, Engineering, Big Data,
     Leadership and Teamwork,     Motivation, Risk Management
     Brand Marketing, Environmental Technologies and Sustainability
     Globalisation, Health and Safety 

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Directeur du Grand Prix Motor Racing
Fort de 30 ans d’expérience à des postes à responsabilités dans le milieu de la Formule 1, Mark Gallagher a acquis une expertise dans plusieurs domaines ayant trait au monde des affaires.

Après plus de dix ans au sein du management board de l’équipe du Grand Prix de Jordanie, il devient responsable des affaires commerciales pour Red Bull Racing avant de devenir directeur du géant Cosworth Formula One, motoriste à la réputation mondiale. Au cours de sa carrière, il collabore avec quelques-uns des pilotes les plus réputés tels que Ayrton Senna, Michael Schumacher, Jenson Button et David Coulthard.
C’est en 1983 que Mark Gallagher débute sa carrière dans la Formule 1 en travaillant dans les médias pendant sept ans. En 1990, il rejoint l’équipe d’Eddie Jones en tant que membre du directoire pour créer une nouvelle écurie. En 2004, il est recruté par Red Bull Racing pour créer la nouvelle écurie de l’entreprise et en 2010, il prend la direction de Cosworth pour équiper en moteur plus d’un tiers des équipes en compétition.
En parallèle, Mark Gallagher fonde le Status Grand Prix qui remporte le Motorsport World Cup de 2009 et est depuis une équipe régulièrement victorieuse dans les catégories de GP2 et GP3. En 2014, Mark accompagne les changements de régulations moteur en matière de technologie hybride dans le milieu de la Formule 1.
Il est actuellement co-commentateur et expert en F1 pour la chaine BBC5 live, Official Formula One App et intervient désormais sur le thème de la Formule 1 pour ESPN et Sky Sports F1. Il a récemment publié son second ouvrage, ‘The Business of Winning – Strategic Success from the Formula One track to the Boardroom’. 

 Ces sujets de conférence les plus courants sont (1) Leadership et travail d'équipe (2) Transformation numérique (3) Sécurité et gestion des risques et (4) Gestion des perturbations et du changement.
      Travail d'équipe haute performance, gestion du changement,
      Innovation, Leadership, Ingénierie, Big Data,
      Leadership et travail d'équipe, motivation, gestion des risques
      Marketing de marque, technologies environnementales et durabilité
      Mondialisation, santé et sécurité 

 Il présente ses conférences en langue anglaise.