Le conférencier et expert en Leadership
THOMAS ZWEIFEL est un auteur et expert internationalement reconnu dans le domaine du développement du leadership. Il aide les cadres supérieurs dans de nombreuses entreprises parmi les Fortune 500, mais aussi les gouvernements, l'ONU et l'armée, à développer le leadership et constituer des équipes de haute performance dans le but d'atteindre des objectifs stratégiques.
Les outils développés par THOMAS ZWEIFEL aident les clients à penser différemment, instaurer la confiance, restaurer la vision et agir de manière stratégique.
Parmi ses clients sont American Express , Astrium , Aventis , Banana Republic , Citigroup , Conoco -Phillips , le Credit Suisse , Danone , DHL , Faurecia , FC SaarbrŸcken , Goldman Sachs , GE , Google , Hewlett Packard , Johnson & Johnson , Medtronic , Novartis , Procter & Gamble , Rhodia , Ro-che/Genentech , UBS , Unilever , le PNUD, USA Air Force Academy , l'Académie militaire de West Point , le Département d'Etat américain .
Ayant vécu en Europe, en Inde, au Japon et aux États-Unis, THOMAS ZWEIFEL sert comme source de pouvoir pour les dirigeants qui désirent avoir les résultats souhaités tout en renforçant les "3 Cs" (coaching, communication, culture) essentiels pour la gestion du 21e siècle. Il inspire le public par son discours unique, qui mélange la théorie d’avant-garde du leadership, les outils de gestion, coaching et philosophie dans une approche interdisciplinaire intemporelle.
THOMAS ZWEIFEL est l'auteur de six ouvrages sur le leadership, notamment : Communique ou meurs ; Cultures en conflit ou Comment gérer des équipes; Leadership In 100 Days: A Systematic Self-Coaching Workbook, The Rabbi and the CEO: The Ten Commandments for 21st Century Leaders - titre arrivé finaliste du National Jewish Book Award.
Dans ses livres et pendant les conférences Thomas Zweifel démontre :
- Comment développer une vision stratégique
- Comment faut il bien communiquer afin d’obtenir des résultats souhaités.
- Comment devenir un Leader Mondial, en évitant les conflits interculturels couteux.
- Comment motiver le personnel
- Comment transformer les pertes dans le nouveau capital
THOMAS ZWEIFEL apparaît souvent dans les médias, y compris sur les chaînes de télévisions ABC, Bloomberg TV and Radio, CNN, NY1, Fast Company Magazine, Finacial Times, The Week. Son livre « Communique ou meurs » ( traduit en chinois, français, indonésien, et allemand ) est devenu le livre de référence pour ceux qui veulent communiquer efficacement et entreprendre en dehors de leur propre pays
Né à Paris, THOMAS ZWEIFEL a fait ses études en Suisse, en Allemagne et aux États-Unis, et parle couramment l’anglais, l’allemand, le français et l’italien. Il a une maîtrise en affaires internationales de la Columbia University et un doctorat en économie politique internationale de la New York University. En 1996, il réalise son rêve de finir le marathon de New York en moins de trois heures, et en 1997, est reconnu comme "le plus rapide PDG au marathon de New York" par le Wall-Street journal.
Convaincu que le Leadership est un art, mais aussi une science, THOMAS ZWEIFEL a enseigné le leadership dans des Universités et des écoles de commerce a travers le monde : l'Université de Columbia (New York ) , Université de New York (New York ) , Fuqua School of Business à l'Université Duke ( Caroline du Nord ) , l'Université de Saint-Gall ( Suisse ) , Haute Ecole de Gestion ( Fribourg / Suisse ), le Centre européen pour la médecine pharmaceutique / Université de Bâle ( Suisse ) , Université de Sydney ( Australie ) , et Jones international University ( école de commerce en ligne ) Aujourd’hui, il enseigne à la faculté du Centre de la Gestion d’Entreprises (ZfU) à Zurich.
THOMAS ZWEIFEL soutient que le leadership et la démocratie ont besoin l’une de l’autre : «Le leadership sans démocratie est la dictature, et de démocratie sans le leadership est l’anarchie. " Il a formé les représentants de l'ONU dans 25 pays différents et les a accompagnés dans la réalisation des projets de leadership dans le contexte de gouvernance démocratique.
Leurs objectifs allant de la réforme de la police au Bangladesh à l'autonomie des femmes en Arabie Saoudite. Zweifel écrit et parle souvent au sujet de la politique internationale et a publié deux ouvrages reconnus sur ce thème: « Déficit démocratique ? » , « Les organisations internationales et la démocratie »
Les nombreuses thématiques de THOMAS ZWEIFEL ont ete exposé devant le public de différents continents
La croissance et la performance
Le management du changement
Le management interculturel
L’esprit d’entrepreneur
Le leadership
La mondialisation
Fixer les objectifs
Les affaires Internationales
Savoir écouter
Fusions et aquisitions
Développement des compétences
Vision stratégique
Le plus souvent THOMAS ZWEIFEL a été invité pour développer les thématiques suivantes :
• Le leadership du 21e siècle : Académie de chefs d’entreprise, la Banque Leumi , DHL , gou-vernement du Kazakhstan , Johnson & Johnson , PIP investisseurs Zurich , TEDxZurich , groupes de PDG Vistage .
• Le coaching des dirigeants : Cemex , Centre européen de médecine pharmaceutique , l'Université Bar-Ilan , Israël entraîneurs communautaires , Consulat général de Suisse à New York , Programme dé-veloppement de l'ONU , du Département d'État des États-Unis .
• Communication : Press Club de Genève , Newark Association des conseillers financiers , le Rotary , la Chambre australienne de commerce suisse et de l'Industrie .
• Clash Culturel: American Business Council suisse , Berlitz , Citigroup , la Columbia Business School , Fuqua School of Business , Goldman Sachs , le Congrès de la Linth , Novar de la TIS , Pharmacia , Prudential , Rennert , Russie Forum Protocole , Swisspeaks , Le College of New Jersey , UBS , l'USMA West Point .
THOMAS ZWEIFEL is a strategy and leadership facilitator, professor and author. The former CEO of Swiss Consulting Group and Partner at Manres AG says that soft skills (co-leadership, self-knowledge, communication, cross-cultural savvy ) are the key to hard results. Dr. Zweifel’s stories and tools give people access to being global leaders in the 21st century. He inspires audiences with a unique blend of cutting-edge leadership theory, international affairs, manage-ment tools, executive coaching, and timeless philosophy —an interdisciplinary approach sorely missing in this era of specialists who don’t connect the dots.
For 27+ years, THOMAS ZWEIFEL has developed leadership tools and methodologies for Fortune 500 companies and SME's, governments and international organizations, nonprofits and the military. His clients include American Express, Astrium, Aventis, Banana Republic, Citigroup, Conoco-Phillips, Credit Suisse, Danone, DHL, Faurecia, FC SaarbrŸcken, Goldman Sachs, GE, Google, Hewlett Packard, Johnson & Johnson, Medtronic, Novartis, Procter & Gamble, Rhodia, Ro-che/Genentech, UBS, Unilever, the UN Development Programme, the U.S. Air Force Academy, the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, and the U.S. State Department.
Dr. THOMAS ZWEIFEL shows leaders how to:
• Maximize ownership of strategy and minimize pushback to change;
• Be great communicators who get results through effective speaking and listen-ing;
• Be global leaders who manage skillfully across cultures and avoid costly intercul-tural clashes:
• Unleash people power for performance;
• Turn breakdowns into breakthroughs.
27+ Years of Leadership Experience
Born in Paris, Dr. Zweifel was educated in Switzerland, Germany and the United States, and is fluent in English, German, French, and Italian. He holds a master’s degree in International Affa¬irs from Columbia University and a Ph.D. in International Political Economy from New York Uni¬vers ity.
In 1986 Dr. Zweifel was thrust into leadership as global campaign manager for an international organization on the roster of the United Nations. In charge of campaign results in 27 countries but lacking legal authority to impose decisions or hire/fire people, he was forced to become a master at remote coaching and cross-cultural leadership.
In 1997 THOMAS ZWEIFEL co-founded Swiss Consulting Group a global performance management company based in New York City that was recognized as a “Fast Company” by Fast Company magazine. Since then, Dr. Zweifel has coached and trained business leaders and public servants to create and achieve their vision, and has built Swiss Consulting Group into a multinational virtual boutique company with consultants in 12 countries and clients around the globe.
Dr. Zweifel is a member of the International Coach Federation and the Association of Professio-nal Communication Consultants. In 1996 he realized his dream of breaking three hours in the New York
City Marathon, and in 1997 was recognized as the “fastest CEO in the New York City Marathon” by the Wall Street Journal.
Media and Publications
Dr. THOMAS ZWEIFEL appears frequently in the media (CNN, ABC, Bloom-berg TV and Radio, NY1, Fast Company, Financial Times, and The Week, among many others). His leadership books Commu-nicate or Die and Culture Clash (SelectBooks 2003; also available in Chinese, French, German and Indonesian) have become standard references for communicating effectively and managing across borders.
Selected Media Appearances:
• ABC (on Microsoft in China)
• CNNfn (on communication; coaching on salary negotiation and job searches)
• Bloomberg TV and Radio (on DaimlerChrysler merger and Nissan-Japan)
• Radio BFM (on cross-cultural communication)
• NY1 (on culture clash)
• Financial Times (on coaching and mentoring),
• Basler Zeitung (on communication)
• TagesAnzeiger (on communication)
• ChangeX (on communication)
Convinced that leadership is an art, but also a science that can be learned, Prof. Zweifel has taught at universities and business schools around the world: Columbia University (New York),
New York University (New York), Fuqua School of Business at Duke University (North Carolina), St. Gallen University (Switzerland), Haute Ecole de Gestion (Fribourg/Switzerland), European Center for Pharmaceutical Medicine / University of Basel (Switzerland), Sydney University (Australia), and Jones International University (an online business school).
Leadership and Democracy
Dr. Zweifel believes that leadership and democracy need each other: “Leadership without democracy is dictatorship, and de¬mocracy without leadership is anarchy.” He coached UN officials in 25 countries to design and carry out leadership projects in democratic governance,
with measurable goals ranging from police reform in Bangladesh to empowering women in Saudi Arabia. He frequently writes and speaks on international politics and published two acclaimed books on the topic: Democratic Deficit ? (Rowman & Littlefield 2002) and International Organizations & Democracy (Lynne Rienner Publishers 2005).
Dr. THOMAS ZWEIFEL’s keynotes have led him to audiences in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Sta¬tes. His speaking clients include:
• On 21st-Century Leadership: Academy for Chief Executives, Bank Leumi, DHL, Gov-ernment of Kazakhstan, Johnson & Johnson, PIP Investor Zurich, TEDxZurich, Vistage CEO groups.
• On Coaching Leaders: Cemex, European Center of Pharmaceutical Medicine, Bar -Ilan University, Israel Coaching Community, Swiss Consulate-General New York, UN De-velopment Programme, US State Department.
• On Communication: Geneva Press Club, Newark Association of Financial Advisors, Rotary, Swiss Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
• On Culture Clash: American Swiss Business Council, Berlitz, Citigroup, Columbia Business School, Fuqua School of Business, Goldman Sachs, Linth Congress , Novar¬tis, Pharmacia, Prudential, Rennert , Russia Protocol Forum, Swisspeaks, The College of New Jersey, UBS, USMA West Point.
Dr. THOMAS ZWEIFEL tailors his programs to each client’s needs and objectives. His most frequently as-ked-for programs are dynamic, action-packed and highly applicable to Monday morning back at the office:
- 21st Century Leadership
- The Rabbi & the CEO: The 10 Commandments for 21st-Century Leaders
- Strategy-In-Action: A Dynamic 7-Step Process for Breakthrough Design and Results
- Culture Clash: Managing the Global High-Performance Team
- Communicate or Die: Getting Results Through Speaking and Listening
Sandra Thompson, VP Human Resources, Animas, a Johnson & Johnson Company: “We accomplished more than I would have even expected. This is being seen by the senior leadership as having the potential to shape how all of Johnson & Johnson does business.”
Catherine T. Burton, Global Head Biostatistics, Novartis AG:
“... very good in the area in which I was most interested—building effective business relations¬hips. I walked away with some tips for conduct as well as issues to keep in mind... Very help ful.”
David Searby, Program Officer, U.S. State Department:
“The participants said that this was the best program not only in New York City but in the United States. It was amazing how you were able to integrate the different views and still make people feel they were heard.”
Mihail Mihailov, Managing Director, MOST Computers
“I cannot forget such an impressive guest speaker like you and some very special things of your lecture—especially the pyramid of global dialogue.”
A. Rief Kanan, Group Chair, Vistage International; Director, Business Institute, SUNY New Paltz
“Thanks, again, for the fantastic job you did presenting and interacting with the group yesterday at SUNY New Paltz. The feedback from the participants was very positive and each with whom I spoke was very impressed with your content and your engagement with them individually.”
Vistage CEO Group 50, Orange County, CA:
Quality of Content: 5.0. Quality of Delivery: 5.0. % Recommendation: 100.0 “Excellent tools.”
“Great presentation, interaction with members, and topics were outstanding.”
Vistage Key Group 959, Lancaster, PA:
Quality of Content: 4.8. Quality of Delivery: 4.7. % Recommendation: 100.0
”Great message; skilled interaction with group. Thomas offers insights into elements that make up a leader’s competencef... Good exercises for self assessment. Very good job—get him back for my other groups.”
”Excellent delivery. High level discussion on leadership and communication.”
”Very engaging. Comfortable in front of group. Interesting excercises.”
”Very engaging, assisted with communication skills. Thomas pro vided real life examples to as-sist with daily leadership challenges.”
“Engaging, terrific examples. Leadership and communication discussion was excellent.” ”Delivery was excellent, informative and humorous. Liked the pyramid and breakdowns into breakthroughs.”
”Quite engaging. Enjoyable voice and personality. Very use ful information—a new way to think about one ’s leadership skills.”
”Very enjoyable. Great delivery-loved the humor that was interjecting. Great topic, usually the cause of most failures or struggles. Wish we had more time.”
”Good pacing. Enjoyed discussion on listening and breakthroughs.”